Our technology is trusted by researchers worldwide.
Advances in healthcare are built on medical research, with new discoveries tested and re-tested over time. We're proud to support this critical work: researchers from around the world have used our technology in over 600 peer-reviewed publications, contributing to significant medical breakthroughs and reproducible science. This rigorous process ensures that new findings are not only credible but can be reliably built upon to enhance patient care worldwide.
We've analyzed the world's largest cohorts.
500,000 samples Estonian Biobank
200,000 samples Finnish National Biobank
45,000 samples Mexico City Prospective Study
150,000 samples BELIEVE (Bangladesh)
100,000 samples
Population Study (DK) Rotterdam Study (NL) INTERVAL
blood donors (UK) TWINS-UK PREDIMED plus (Spain)
Birth Cohort of 1997 Healthy Twin Study Korea Singapore Chinese Cohort Mass General Brigham
Biobank (USA) ARIC Study (USA)
The broadest panel of blood markers in the home-testing industry.
In addition to providing groundbreaking disease risk detection, Nightingale Remote Health Check delivers the industry’s broadest panel of blood markers with clinical grade quality. The panel includes around 30 well-known blood markers, such as cholesterol levels, extended lipid profile, fatty acids, amino acids, sugar metabolism, and inflammation.
Nightingale Health’s technology has been used to analyze more than two million samples, including world-leading open-access resources like the UK Biobank. We are the only 'omics measured on every sample in the UK Biobank's extensive cohort, enabling studies into cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, liver diseases, kidney diseases, lung diseases, aging, cancer, and more, paving the way for breakthroughs in prevention and care.
Convincing science brings healthcare benefits faster.
This foundation of peer-reviewed research and analysis of massive patient cohorts has enabled the development of highly precise disease risk predictions. Because Nightingale Health's technology is clinically validated, the path from discovery to translation of those predictions has been dramatically shortened, and is in use to manage chronic diseases today. The research-based origins of our technology live today as tangible solutions utilized in national healthcare.
Our products for research use.
We offer analysis services globally for researchers.
Blood and urine analysis service for metabolomics profiles